Thursday, March 25, 2010

A former "boss" (Nate Bock) had stopped by to check out the Happy Bucket! It was almost empty ... I promise to fill it up soon! Nate was in town with Kari & Landon to check out sites for his Junior High students mission trip this summer. They are going to stay in the Underground and do mission activities throughout the city. Was good to see an dear ole friend. Thank you Nate for stopping by to see an ole "secretary".

Visiting Mother

Yes, my Mother will not like this picture ... but I love her no matter how much the hair stood up! Here is Chase and Judy with Grandma. Almost every Sunday, Jerry visits Mother with Chase, Angie and Judy. Sometimes he brings KC the border collie ... everyone loves their visit. KC is a perfect dog ... lets everyone pet him and minds wonderfully. We hope to spring Mother soon from the "Garden" ... she is a miracle! Advancing really well. We are so very thankful for her progress. Linda has been a lifesaver and visits her almost every day. She is a strong advocate for her. Thank you Lord for Family!

Mother wanted a close up picture of one of her daffodils. The front of her home was all 'abloom with these reminders from God that Spring is here and Summer will follow. So looking forward to sunshine and nice weather. They had about 6 inches of snow in Kansas City!

Day with the "Kids"

Thank you Brett & Amy for letting Tyler & Graham spend a day with "GMaK" ... began the day with a drive to Crown Center ... we were very hungry so waited the usual 30 minutes in line for lunch at Fritz's.Finally in with the hats on waiting for the "train" to bring the food! Fun time! After this adventure we entered the candy store ... now that is fun with two kids ... of course, they were full from lunch and didn't require a lot of time there. Then we went thru the Storybook setting ... lots of adventure there. The top of the afternoon was ice cream! Tyler wanted the double dip chocolate waffle cone and Graham requested the strawberry/banana hot chocolate sundae.